你的位置:Kwenta中文网 > Medifakt中文网 > 【双语】你好!中国 | 此刻想去徽州的心已经到达了顶峰!|宅院|青砖|窗棂|徽派建筑
【双语】你好!中国 | 此刻想去徽州的心已经到达了顶峰!|宅院|青砖|窗棂|徽派建筑
- 发布日期:2025-01-04 11:45 点击次数:66 欢迎踏入古典与诗意并存的徽州世界,这里是徽派建筑的瑰丽舞台,一幕幕东方美学的传奇在这里上演。Welcome to the world of Huizhou, where classical elegance and poetic charm coexist. This is the grand stage of Huizhou architecture, where legends of Eastern aesthetics unfold.依山而建,傍水而居。高耸的马头墙,不仅防火防盗,更赋予建筑群落以动态的天际线。青砖黑瓦,在蓝天白云下勾勒出一幅幅立体的水墨画。Built against mountains and beside rivers, the towering horse-head walls not only provide protection against fire and theft but also give the architectural complex a dynamic skyline.Blue bricks and black tiles under the blue sky and white clouds outline 3D ink paintings.走进徽派宅院,天井成为连接天地的神秘通道,四水归堂的设计,寓意着财富的汇聚与家族的兴盛。Stepping into Huizhou courtyards, the patio becomes a mysterious passage connecting heaven and earth. The design of the water converging in the hall symbolizes the gathering of wealth and the prosperity of the family.徽派建筑的木雕艺术,是无声的故事集。从梁枋到窗棂,无一不雕琢着细腻入微的图案;每一刀一刻,都是对美好生活的向往与颂扬,讲述着忠诚、孝顺、气节与仁义的永恒主题……The wood carving art of Huizhou architecture is a silent collection of stories.From beams to window lattices, every piece is intricately carved with detailed patterns; every cut and mark is an aspiration and praise for a beautiful life, telling eternal themes of loyalty, filial piety, integrity, and benevolence.责编:易卓